Run Through The Jungle V
by Beast Runners 跑山獸
22nd February 2020
Taiwan - Taipei - Xindian district - deep Jungle

- 10km / 800m D+ (start 8am, cut time 5 hours) MOWGLI run - Easier, but not easy, great trail experience
- 17km / 1250m D+ (start 7am, cut time 7 hours, 1 new ITRA point) TARZAN trail - Some difficulties over two jungles.
- 34km / 2400m D+ (start 6am, cut time 11hours, 2 new ITRA points, GPS device is mandatory) RAMBO veteran adventure - Very difficult
Course of Run Through The Jungle is designed in very wild nature of Taipei surrounding. There are many sections in jungle and deep forest. The longest course required experience on wild trails and full mandatory equipment for semi-autonomy in nature. Middle distance is great for adventure trail runners who wish try adventure in wild nature. Short option is easier but not easy. Please understand difficulty of the event before sign up for it.
- This year were perfect conditions. Many course records were break. Read more about in results sections
- Photos, awesome job of our photographers. All photos is possible find from photos section. Please give kudos to our Beast photographers