Registration for 22/2/2020 is open
Who register before 30th November 2019 will receive T8 Commandos in required size.
Registration 報名
- no onsite registration (for insurance matter, don`t ask us for exception)
- the space on course and event is very limited
- no chip deposit (disposable)
- 無提供現場報名(因保險需求,請不要問我們例外)
- 賽程及活動的名額是非常有限的
- no chip deposit (disposable)
BR registration system 報名連結:
Registration periods
- Early Bird 2019-11-6 10:00 ~ 2019-11-15 23:59 (or 25% of capacity)
- Standard Period 2019-11-16 10:00 ~ 2019-12-10 23:59 (or fill up capacity, T-shirt guaranteed)
- T8 Commandos underwear in required size before 2019-11-30
- Late Bird 2019-12-12 ~ First Come, First Served (10k and 17km usually full for Late Birds)
參賽費用 Entry Fees
RTTJ 34km
- 34km
- 2400m D+
- ITRA 2 S
- UTMB® qualified
- Early Bird, or 25% of capacity
- 2500NTD*
- Standard Period Registration
- 2700NTD*
- Late Bird Registration
- 3000NTD

RTTJ 17km
- 17km
- 1250m D+
- UTMB® qualified
- Early Bird, or 25% of capacity
- 1900NTD
- Standard Period Registration
- 2100NTD
- Late Bird Registration
- 2300NTD

RTTJ 10km
- 10km
- 800m D+
- Early Bird, or 25% of capacity
- 1500NTD
- Standard Period Registration
- 1700NTD
Late Bird Registration1900NTD

*BEAST elite
- BEAST elite program
- runners with ITRA 700+ Performance Index (general 700+ for man, 600+ for woman) may apply for FREE entry for RTTJ 34km
- same rule as for others – required be finisher at least 50km of trail race (ITRA-3)
- apply in Early Bird or Standard Period!
- only 10 spots available, up to 3 spots for Taiwanese or first come first served
- please contact via and send us your ITRA record

BR registration system
(register here)

Upload proof of payment
(ATM in Taiwan)
proof payment ATM

BR Rules and Entry Disclaimer
(read before sign up)
BR rules

Event Rules
(Mandatory Equipment for RTTJ)
Mandatory Equipment
due to technical aspect on the trail (very narrow, ropes section and up stream walk) the capacity of runners has to be limited
- 10km: 100 runners (kids 10-15 years with one adult, or 15+ with agreement of parents – download here)
- 17km: 130 runners
- 34km: 135 runners
- 10公里:100位(小孩10到15歲,須有一位長輩陪同,或15到18歲,家長必須簽署家長同意書 – download here)
- 17公里: 130位
- 34公里: 135位
- *join RTTJ34 required be finisher at least 50km of trail race (ITRA-3)
- *join RTTJ17 required be finisher at least 25km of trail race (ITRA-1)
- *join RTTJ10 required be finisher at least 15km of trail race (ITRA-0 or 1)
- find your ITRA record and note it during registration:
- if you don`t have any ITRA please consider its difficulty and don’t hesitate contact us
- do not sign up for this event before you understand its difficulty
- *參加RTTJ34公里需求: 至少完成50公里以上越野賽事(IITRA-3)
- *參加RTTJ17公里需求: 至少完成25公里以上越野賽事(IITRA-1)
- *參加RTTJ10公里需求: 至少完成15公里以上越野賽事(IITRA-0 or 1)
- 請查閱您的ITRA點數並且在報名系統上加以備註:
- 如果您沒有任何ITRA點數,請考量賽程的困難度,並且不要猶豫聯絡我們~
- do not sign up for this event before you understand its difficulty
How to Register:
- See for more details: How to Register
- You will be directed to Beast Runners event registration system
- Please read BR rules BR rules
- No refund or partial refunds
- Understand and sign up Entry Disclaimer and give to organizers during race pack pickup
- Please fill out the registration form with your personal details
- Please choose payment option (ATM in Taiwan, PayPal-credit card) and press Proceed to Finalize Registration. You have to see “Thank You” page.
- You will receive more information via email from registration system
- please check SPAM folder or ‘Promotions’ folder in Gmail
- try avoid hotmail or yahoo
- Please note we need your ENGLISH NAME and SURNAME and NATIONALITY (IAAF code) for ITRA results
- Your ITRA GENERAL COTATION (3 digits number, if not record fill 0)
- Find your ITRA record here
- ITRA cotation may use in case of start in waves (eg. elite and challenger)
- It is possible register a group – choose right Qty of each distance
- Note that no refunds will be provided for request of cancellation, but you are able to transfer your entry to anyone else with a 400NTD administration fee
- Payment method:
- Credit card or Paypal (additional fee 4.5%, not available for credit card registered in Taiwan)
- CREDIT CARD payments (backup) – if you are overseas and have problem with credit card or PayPal payment please go to our eshop, purchase your items and proceed shopping with same email as in registration. Please choose ECPay – credit card to pay. We will confirm registration in few days:
- Bank/ATM Transfer only for Taiwan (account: E SUN (808) / 0554-940-006524)
- If you really prefer use direct deposit from abroad you need use name of account holder: 台灣跑山獸工作室羅勃依婉 (Taiwan Beast Runners)
- please UPLOAD Your Proof of Payment (only for bank or ATM transfer)
- 更詳細資訊請看: 如何按照步驟報名
- 將會直接連結到Beast Runners 活動報名系統
- 請詳細閱讀野獸規則
- 沒有提供退費或是部分退費
- 瞭解並請於領取物資時簽回參賽同意書
- 請填寫個人詳細資料
- 請選擇付款項目(台灣區ATM,PayPal-信用卡) ,並且按 ” Proceed to Finalize Registration ” (處理)完成您的報名。必須進入”Thank You”(謝謝)的頁面才算是成功報名。
- email信箱將會收到報名的資訊
- 如沒有收到,請確認是否在垃圾郵件或是”促銷”資料夾
- 避免使用hotmail或yahoo信箱,以免收不到信件。
- 請注意! 因ITRA的需要,請填寫完整英文名字(請以英語拼音輸入),姓氏(請以英語拼音輸入)及國籍(IAAF code)
- 您的ITRA積分(3位數,如果沒有請填上0 )
- 請在這裡尋找您的ITRA積分
- ITRA積分會決定您開跑的梯次
- 團體報名請於下方報名表格點選Qty
- 取消報名沒有提供退費,但名額可轉讓給其他選手,轉換手續費400元台幣
- 付款方式:
- 用卡或PayPal(額外費用4.5%,沒有適合在台灣註冊的信用卡)
- CREDIT CARD payments (backup) – if you are overseas and have problem with credit card or PayPal payment please go to our eshop, purchase your items and proceed shopping with same email as in registration. Please choose ECPay – credit card to pay. We will confirm registration in few days:
- 銀行轉帳限於台灣帳戶(帳戶: 玉山銀行(808) / 0554-940-006524)
- 請上傳付款證明(只限於ATM轉帳)
BR registration system 報名連結: